papiers pimpe
Miss Pimpe Twist 4466995 2003 sorrel mare
SI: 0 Starts 0 Wins: 0 2nds: 0 3rds: 0 Earnings: 0 Hlt Pts: 0 Perf Pts: 0 |
SIRE side of pedigree |
Show Tip 1960 |
Showdown 1951 |
Heza New Twist 1981 |
Darky Jo Spark 1955 |
Miss Kittentwist 1967 |
Corkey's Twister 1960 |
Heza Classey Twist 1994 |
Miss Kitty Roper 1963 |
Poco Mui 1971 |
Mui Bueno Jr 1956 |
Mui Fiddle Lee 1982 |
Poco Lucky Bella 1959 |
Fiddle Lee de 1972 |
Glenda's Fiddle 1963 |
Buff's Lolita 1962 |
DAM side of pedigree |
Impressive 1969 |
Lucky Bar (TB) 1954 |
Impressive Sonny Rob 1989 |
Glamour Bars 1960 |
The Incredible Robin 1985 |
The Incredible 1979 |
Impressive Cutie Tuf 1994 |
Snip Bobbin Robin 1976 |
Tuffernhel 1966 |
Scooper Chick 1960 |
Miss Cutie Tuff 1975 |
Decka Verde 1962 |
Ricks Gold Queen 1969 |
Showdown Rick 1961 |
Yucca Rae Dondi 1963 |